Jar Hon Machinery Co., Ltd.

adheres to the concept of "keeping quality" and "doing still better" to manufacture the excellent quality machines in Taichung, Taiwan

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Office Closure for Peace Memorial Day

Our office will be closed for Peace Memorial Day from Feb. 28th to Mar. 2nd

We will reopen on Mar. 3rd and resume our service.

Sincerely yours,

All Jar Hon staff

Contact Details

Address: Address: No.6, Renhuagong 16th Rd., Dali Dist., Taichung City 412, Taiwan(R.O.C)
Tel: 886-4-24912382
Fax: 886-4-24912362
Sales Contact: Jimmy Kao
E-mail: jarhon@ms34.hinet.net, info@jarhon.com.tw
Phone : 0978122554
Line ID : 0978122554
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